The English Football Association FA has developed new guidelines for referees regarding rules during the corona pandemic. A document on the FA's website states, among other things, that the referees must take action if a player knowingly, and from close range, coughs an opponent or match delegate in the face. Such an action is considered as serious as careless language or gestures.

"Normal" coughing allowed

The document further states that the referees should not punish players for routine coughing and that they should remind the players not to spit.

The coronavirus, which can lead to the infectious disease covid-19, is a droplet infection and is transmitted via droplets (aerosol) from, for example, coughing and sneezing.

The English men's league Premier League kicks off again on 12 September. For the ladies, quarter finals in the FA Cup await, September 26-27.

CLIP: Liverpool had to lift the dent after 30 years (July 23, 2020)

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Liverpool got to celebrate the league title after 5-3 against Chelsea. Photo: TT News Agency