Woods had 71 strokes (par 72) in the first round on Thursday at the Memorial in Dublin, Ohio. Despite much better conditions today, the score rose to 76 strokes after a mixed round with an initial double bogey, five bogeys, three birdies and the rest par.

- I was not as mobile as I wanted and could not really get through the movement and cope with the blows. It was a fight out there, says Woods, who made a comeback after the pandemic stop, according to Reuters.

- I started to feel during the warm-up. It did not feel as good as I wanted, but that's what it is, says Woods, who also showed evidence of old magic.

"Had problems the last four, five years"

On the twelfth short hole of 155 meters, he hit the ball over the water and landed a few decimetres from the hole and made a simple birdie after two strokes.

44-year-old Woods has had numerous injuries during his career and, among other things, operated on his back several times.

- It is the case that I have had problems for the last four or five years when I went through treatments to get back. It will definitely happen again, says Woods.

ARCHIVE: Tiger's journey - from drug driving to victory

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Tiger Woods in connection with the police photography after the arrest.