Jurgen Klopp would not have lived well that the Premier League decides on a white season if the English championship could not resume. - Jon Super / AP / SIPA

Liverpool coach Jürgen Klopp has really worried that the season will be canceled and that the title will slip out of Liverpool due to the Covid-19 epidemic, he told reporters on Friday. “I started to really worry when people started talking about a canceled and white season. I was like "wow!" and I even felt it physically, because it would have been really, really, really hard, "he admitted during a press conference.

"When it was finally abandoned, I was very relieved," added the German coach. The season was interrupted on March 13 when the Reds were 25 points 9 days ahead of their pursuer, Manchester City, who had a late game. Suffice to say that the title of champion, after which Liverpool has been running for 30 years, seemed almost acquired, except for the cataclysm that almost happened.

"A curse" ... How the coronavirus freaked Liverpool via @ 20minutesSport https://t.co/3uRbIYDvg1

- 20 Minutes Sport (@ 20minutesSport) June 17, 2020

At the time of the interruption of the competition, a resumption was anything but certain and the authorities of English football had envisaged different scenarios of final stop of the season, as was the case in France, in Belgium, in the Netherlands or in Scotland. A total cancellation of the season was never the preferred option, but it was indeed on the table.

But even if the title had been awarded to the Reds on the basis of a number of points scored per game, Klopp would not have been satisfied. "We didn't expect to be given it as a gift, so we didn't want it to be awarded on the basis of points per game. We were really very happy when it was decided that we would replay again, ”said the technician.

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“Now we are there (…) we have to play for (win the title). That's great. That's how it should be in sports. We have to do it. We do not tell ourselves in our heads that it is already done ”, he assured.

For the resumption of the Premier League on Wednesday, Manchester City easily won against Arsenal (3-0) and reduced the gap to 22 points. But if Liverpool win their next two games, at Everton for the derby on Sunday, then against Crystal Palace on Wednesday, they will be sure to lift the trophy.


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  • Covid 19
  • Coronavirus
  • Premier League
  • Liverpool
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