“There were no symptoms and no”

With each passing day, the start of the first matches of the Russian Premier League (RPL) is approaching after a break associated with the coronavirus pandemic. Some teams have already started training, but it’s too early to say that the players are completely safe.

Dynamo press service released the results of testing employees, coaches and football players at COVID-19. In total, five samples showed deviations from the norm, but it is not yet reported who it is specifically about. Earlier in the media there was information that David Sangare, Roman Evgeniev and Sylvester Igbun passed the positive tests, although only the defender in the club confirmed the presence of the disease in the active phase.

In addition, goalkeeper coach Dmitry Izotov and defender Zaurbek Pliev are still on self-isolation, although he has a negative coronavirus test result.

In connection with the discovery of abnormal indicators in five representatives of Dynamo, soon all employees, coaching staff and football players will undergo a second check. The start of the collection has been postponed until its results become known.

“Everyone whose tests for COVID-19 had one or another abnormality, had and do not have any symptoms. As for the rest of the team, the test mode minimized the potential risk of transmitting a viral infection from one person to another. All procedures were carried out with strict observance of safety standards, without any interaction of the players with each other, medical and other personnel, ”said the head physician of Dynamo Alexander Yardoshvili.

Before resuming training, testing was also held at Ufa, and here the results were more positive. Director General Shamil Gazizov confirmed that the study did not reveal a single case of coronavirus infection. He stressed that at the base the players are under the control of the medical headquarters, and also expressed confidence that, subject to security measures, the risk of getting infected on the football field will be minimal.

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Posted by Evseev Vadim (@ vadimevseev16) May 19, 2020 at 7:31 PDT

Meanwhile, the team had already held their first lesson after the break. It took place at a base in the Chelyabinsk region. The head coach of Ufa Vadim Evseev was pleased with the conditions provided.

“The conditions are excellent. Green equipped area. The mountains. River. A beautiful church nearby. Impressed, caught in a fairy tale. Yes, and the weather was lucky. Starting Tuesday, we begin to work in a two-time mode. We will test the guys, see what condition they are in, and we will move forward. The mood is working. Everyone missed each other. And in football, of course, ”said Evseev.

At the end of the week, players from the Tula Arsenal will begin training. They also tested for coronavirus, but their results are not yet known.

“They said to work - I will work”

In connection with the coronavirus pandemic, one of the main problems could be the return of foreign athletes and specialists to the country. However, on May 17, the Russian government made an exception for them, and now coaches and legionnaires are gradually reuniting with their teams.

So, CSKA mentor Viktor Goncharenko returned to Moscow from Belarus, where he has been for the past two months, and on May 20 the arrival of Spartak head coach Domenico Tedesco, representatives of his headquarters, as well as legionnaires is scheduled. It is reported that Russia was paused in the championship by all red and white foreign players except Ayrton, Lorenzo Melgarejo and Esekiel Ponce.

But the mentor of “Wings of the Soviets” Miodrag Bozovic will arrive at the location of the Samara club a little later - May 22. In his absence, the training process will be led by his assistant Sasha Petrovich. The club was assured that the specialist is well acquainted with the Montenegrin methods, so there should not be any problems with the classes.

As for Bozhovich himself, at the moment he is also awaiting the results of the analysis for coronavirus, which he passed "just in case", after which he will fly to Russia.

“Is it worth it to resume the championship if several teams have patients? I, as a soldier - said to work - I will work. I do what the higher authorities say ... There is still no permission from the authorities to resume training in groups. None of the team have yet passed the tests, I think they will pass in the near future, ”Bozhovich quotes the“ Championship ”.

Recall that at the moment, the diagnosis of COVID-19 is confirmed by Lokomotiv striker Jefferson Farfan and Rubin defender Konstantin Pliev. According to the latter, the disease goes away without external symptoms. He noted that he did not know where he could become infected, since he did not violate the regime of self-isolation, only occasionally going to the nearest store.

“Now all the severe symptoms that a patient with a coronavirus carries are described in detail. I didn’t feel anything like this: there was no temperature, my throat did not hurt. It reminded me of a mild cold, everything went in five days. Four days ago I was already running quietly, I had no problems, ”Pliev told Business Online.

As for other representatives of Russian football, the owner of Spartak Leonid Fedun has been treated for coronavirus for more than two weeks. The day before, he announced that his condition had improved, but it was too early to talk about a full recovery.

"How am I feeling? In one sentence, it’s not very good yet, ”the functionary said.