Today, Monday, the British government opened the door to the resumption of sports competitions without an audience as of June 1, which enhances the possibility of completing the Premier League, which was suspended in mid-March due to the emerging Corona virus.
The government published guidelines to follow in order to reduce restrictions on total closures, and the second step of the process included "allowing cultural and sports activities to take place behind closed doors, with great care to avoid the dangers of social communication".
The establishment of events will only be allowed if sufficient progress is made in limiting the spread of the virus between now and then.
It seems that fans in the United Kingdom will have to wait a lot before returning to the matches, although the guidelines indicated that "there is no return to sports in front of the fans except at a later time, according to the low number of injuries."
Sports events involving travel outside the country's borders, such as European football competitions, cricket tours and Formula One, may be affected by the fact that the government will subject the expatriates to the country for a 14-day forced quarantine period, with the exception of those coming from countries "on a short list of exemptions".
And today, the English Premier League clubs are holding a new meeting to discuss ways to complete the season suspended since mid-March because of "Covid-19", amid growing divisions over the "appeal project" plan.
The club association seeks to return to action in June.

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