The report in question is about the Yoannis family who feed on Thai boxing on the sport is a way for poor families in Thailand to make money. But already at a young age, kicks and punches are allowed in the head - and it has created a debate about whether an age limit should be introduced for the sport and images when two young boys boxing have stirred up emotions.

One who has seen the images and been touched by them is the former world champion Pernilla Johansson.

- I think it looks tough and brutal, of course. I don't think children should drive so hard against their heads. I think it should be with protection and that it should be security, ”she tells SVT Sport.

Different in different countries

In Sweden, children can start competing from the age of ten - but not with contact. It is only at the age of 15 that children can start boxing with full contact and against the head - but with protection until you become a professional. And the situation looks different in different countries around the world. In Denmark, contact is allowed much earlier than in Sweden, but in Norway you are not allowed to hit your head fully at any level.

In Thailand, an argument for contact is that children still don't hit so hard.

- They are small, it is a small opponent who is nine years also receiving it. It is not completely safe to drive without protection against the head and I think they know that too, says Pernilla Johansson.

"Ending up in safety"

Despite the dangers, Pernilla believes it is important to understand why families allow their young children to support them through the sport.

- First, I think it's sad that it should be so clear. But then it is better that they support themselves when they go to a Thai boxing match than they end up in destructive forces with maybe crime, drugs or prostitution. That road is even worse to walk. They end up in safety instead of in the wrong environments, she says.

CLIP: Here the Thai box's nine-year-olds without protection:

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Thailand's national sports Thai boxing is questioned. Here a young boy is seen as the winner after a match. (Warning for strong images) Photo: SVT