In such a scenario, both May and June camps have been deleted. In addition, the organization around the land troops with the coaches is not yet ready, despite the coaches contract expires on election evening on April 30.

- We think it will be ready by at least mid-May, probably earlier. We work too fully with this issue, Fåhraeus tells SVT Sport.

In Norway, the number of practitioners in the troops is reduced, due to a declining economy. Do you have any such thoughts?

- We have a slightly tighter budget for next season. With the great uncertainty that the current corona situation entails, we should have alternative options if it gets even tougher. We don't know exactly how. We obviously have thoughts and plans but we want to wait until we go out with it just like the Norwegians did.

The activists would start camps and gatherings in May. How is it now and when will the first collection be?

- The camp in May (Norwegian Sognefjell) will not be released. We are still open to the June camp which is booked but the likely plan is that the camps will only start in August. It's so tough right now. I dare not even guess where that camp should be held because everything is changing so fast right now.

Frida Karlsson has just returned from a snow camp

Frida Karlsson got it loose in the last race of the season when she sprinted down Therese Johaug and won the three-mile in Holmenkollen in early March. She has been training according to plan during the corona crisis.

- They have just come home from snow, so now it is barren land that applies and it is quite possible to train everything you want with running, roller skis and strength, says her mother and manager Mia Karlsson.

The national coaches' contract expires on election evening on April 30, but contact with the active is not released even if the contracts have expired.

- The riders train at their respective home locations and have contact with personal coaches and national team coaches who are contracted even tomorrow, but the contact will of course be kept. These are people who are very dedicated. Of course, we will do everything we can to ensure that the contract situation does not remain uncertain for them, Fåhraeus says of the coach situation.