• The football plan Training in May, daily tests and Champions League final on August 29

No matter how many accounts the League made on his return, once the pandemic had stabilized, nothing would be possible without the authorization of the Federation, because it has the powers. For many scenarios that the federative body drew, even the advanced one in case the Health Ministry did not allow matches to be played, with professional classifications, imposing them would mean facing the clubs and a possible and difficult legal horizon. The agreement was, therefore, inevitable, something that the parties knew, forced by the Government, in the figure of Irene Lozano, to sign a truce that makes soccer possible and saves a key industry for all sport.

This is what Luis Rubiales and Javier Tebas did , with the Secretary of State as mediator, meeting for up to eight hours in the Palacio de Viana . The minimum agreement is sufficient to seal the start times of professional competitions when the Higher Sports Council (CSD) receives the pertinent authorizations. Other issues, such as elections, are not part of what was agreed, according to what this newspaper could know, which stuck to the situation created by the health crisis.

The parties also agreed not to publicly offer versions of what was said during that marathon meeting and to leave it to only the CSD to transmit what happened, as it has happened, to avoid new suspicions. Both Thebes and Rubiales undertook to comply. "An agreement has been reached in principle, which includes the main aspects that affect Spanish football in the context of the health crisis," the agency said in a statement, calling the meeting "open and honest."

Aganzo, president of the AFE did not attend

Before, the CSD itself had already developed a proposal with other sports organizations regarding the return to training to be transferred to the Ministry of Health, since during the state of alarm the Ministry of Culture and Sports does not have such competition, according to the Royal Decree. The clubs, for their part, manage their own road map back to training, as EL MUNDO explained, starting on May 10, with the dispute of the First and Second Division competitions between June and July. August would be reserved for the Champions League and the Europa League, if UEFA finds a formula that allows their return.

The meeting was not attended by David Aganzo , president of the Association of Spanish Soccer Players (AFE), who had stated that the players will not be able to play games with a margin of less than 72 hours. Similarly, AFE is opposed to footballers being 'bagged' in long concentrations to avoid infection. The position of the AFE must also be negotiated with the League and the Federation depending on the conditions of the return from the competition.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • Luis Rubiales
  • Javier Thebes
  • Irene Lozano
  • sports

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