Of course, the fact that the virus is completely new makes it very difficult for doctors in general and perhaps sports doctors in particular to give advice to those who have been affected. When can they start moving? When is it okay to train hard?

- It will be a special situation for our elite athletes who expose their body to extreme loads. It's one thing to be symptom-free and be able to go to work, another thing if you are going to run hard interval training in your sport, says Andersson, the ski resort's former doctor.

- Many suffer from respiratory symptoms and our endurance athletes have extreme stresses on the heart and lungs. Clearly, then, we need to be more careful about the return to training, that we have a close dialogue with the active and with the coaches, he says.

Do not have knowledge

Per "Duty" Andersson now works as a physician with the Swedish Olympic Committee (SOK). He says it is important to get the message out about the new corona virus and that you do not have full knowledge of what can happen after having the virus and then expose your body to heavy loads.

- Now you must not take any symptoms too mildly, although many active are accustomed to squeeze their body and are used to exercise with pain. It happens that individuals go back too early after illness, but now it is extremely important that we work with safety margins around these pieces, he says.

He says there are athletes in SOK's program who have been ill. Jennie Öberg does not belong to SOK's program, but the skier is an example of an elite athlete who has become very ill from the virus. She received bilateral pneumonia and was admitted to a hospital where she received oxygen help.

"Increased risk"

She wants to tell her experience to warn others about the serious consequences it can have - even for an elite athlete.

- I never thought I would be this bad, as I felt pretty confident in being well-trained, young and having no underlying illness, says Öberg.

The hospital's doctor told her that she could not exercise for a month after recovering.

- It was probably mainly because it was shown that you have an increased risk of contracting cardiac muscle inflammation after this, she says.

She says she is not worried about her further investment in skiing.

"Understand the seriousness"

- I just look forward to getting started with the training and if there is any hassle then you have to take that ball then. Right now I'm just so damn happy that I'm feeling well. The second is secondary.

"Duty" Andersson thinks it is very positive that Jennie Öberg makes sure that the sport gets a voice when it comes to the corona virus.

- Everyone needs to think about this when it comes to the return to training and how to handle it, says Andersson.

- Our activists sometimes have a little difficulty listening to our advice, but now we still feel that this has been seriously understood.

CLIP: Jennie Öberg: "Felt surreal" (April 17, 2020)

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Jennie Öberg: "Felt unreal" Photo: Bildbyrån / SVT