In a couple of weeks, Iker Casillas will be celebrating its anniversary. It will be a year since the day he suffered a heart attack during a Porto training session. The day he was born again.

"If all goes well, I hope the doctor tells me that I am 100% recovered, " explained the Spaniard in an interview for the Portuguese team's YouTube channel.

The goalkeeper, who will be a candidate for the next elections of the Spanish Football Federation , acknowledged that during the weeks following the accident, he was "afraid". " Fear of walking, sleeping, doing any exercise ... Now I feel strong, better than before . I have a medication that is what makes me feel good and it is the doctor who tells me what I can and what I cannot do".

Casillas also admitted that the heart attack has changed his perception of some things: "Now I value other things more. Players sometimes do not value what we have and how happy we can make many people. The most important thing is that you find yourself good to yourself. "

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • soccer
  • Iker Casillas

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