The Corona pandemic has given many clubs a tough financial situation and now the Swedish Ice Hockey Association is abandoning the requirement that the clubs must have equity to get the elite license for next season. Patrik Sylvegård is the CEO of the Malmö Redhawks and for him it was an expected message.

- I think it was a good decision and it was quite expected. It is quite natural when we do not know how this situation will be and how the economy will be, he tells SVT Sport.

"Made a trip with the economy"

Malmö got an exemption for the elite license last season. But Sylvegård does not think the club would have had any problems managing the elite license for the next season, even though the requirement for equity had remained.

- It wouldn't have been a problem for us. We work with it and we have made a trip with the economy and we can handle it, he says.

"May the war continue - it's just that"

The club has long struggled with the economy and had a tough time - but the situation should be better than for a long time.

- We have never felt better financially before all this happened, and we have never been farther away from going out because of the licensing board's requirements, says Sylvegård.

For a club that is just beginning to get its finances in order, the corona pandemic came at least unlucky.

- Obviously it feels a little sour, but we are used to war so I think we can continue to war - that's just it, says Sylvegård.