Much indicates that most international football matches may not be played until 2021 due to the Corona virus.

It worries Fifa's vice-president and Concacaf chairman Victor Montagliani, who now thinks there will be no national team matches this fall.

- I think national football is a priority now. September is still in the books, but I want to say I'm not sure, says Montagliani in an interview with The Associated Press and continues:

- I personally think it can be a bit of a challenge. Not only because of the health problems but also because of the different degrees of readiness required.

But it is not just 2020 matches that will be affected if there are no national team matches this fall.

The qualification for the World Cup in Qatar may also need to be changed both in terms of game and time, if it is clear before the start of the championship in November 2022

- Our main focus is to play clear "final four" (in the Nations League). But we also have other events that we probably have to look at to redo, even our World Cup qualifier, says the Canadian.

- We have to think about how it would work in a situation where the calendar is now smaller than we expected it to be.

Right now, work is underway to put together a working group within Fifa to review the game date, says Montagliani, who at least dares to look forward to a date.

- I'm pretty sure the March 2021 window will be good, says Montagliani.

But regardless of when national and international football gets underway again, the Concacaf chairman does not believe there will be any audience in the beginning.

- I strongly doubt that the first football match will be played to spectators. I just can't see it. I think it would be a huge risk, says Motagliani, according to the AP News Agency.