French midfielder Paul Pogba today expressed his surprise at the criticism he always receives, despite his absence from most of the season due to injury. The 27-year-old has been restricted to only eight games this season with his Manchester United team due to a repeated ankle injury.

Former Liverpool and Scottish captain and coach Graham Souness, one of Pogba's most outspoken critics since returning to United in 2016, came from Juventus, Italy, for a record sum of 89 million pounds ($ 112 million).

"I didn't even know who he was, really. I heard he was a great player and something like that. I know the face but (it is not) the name," the Frenchman ironically responded to the famous star, telling the official Manchester United podcast.
"As I said, I am not someone who watches a lot of them (soccer analysts), I watch a lot of football but I do not stay after the match to listen to what they say. I like to focus on football."

Sonis, 66, is considered one of the prominent players in the English stadiums in the seventies and eighties of the last century. (1978-1979, 1979-1980, 1981-1982, 1982-1983 and 1983-1984), and his training career also witnessed several titles with the Scottish Rangers, Liverpool and Galatasaray clubs.

"I am happy about that (his career and fame). I make a football saying that comes to mind (Put your medals on the table). And I have a big table," former Scotland player Pogba said to Sky Sports today.
Pogba considered the winner of the World Cup 2018 "roosters" in Russia that the criticisms leveled against him, especially in his absence from most of this season, are unjustified, explaining, "It is good to hear good things instead of bad things, but when you play football, You know yourself. It is about what your coach and team mates want, and the rest are just words. "

He added: "I think they (the critics and analysts) are missing me, I don't know? I'm not someone who always follows Sky Sports News. When you know football, you don't need anyone to tell you what is happening." "Maybe I will meet them one day and ask them because I really want to know, why?"