On Facebook, Storfors themselves publish the text about why the women's team is now closed down. According to the association, the demand picture has increased and resources are not available for the future. But that's not the only reason. A real boot is directed to the Swedish Table Tennis Association.

“Since 6-7 years ago when we started to become a sporting threat, we have constantly heard a lot of crap talking about us and that we only have foreign players ... even from federal teams. We haven't really bothered so much outward, but it has been felt in the inside, ”writes the club.

The decision is partly about financial requirements and partly about the desire to prioritize Swedish players, according to team leader Anders Hulth.

- We heard that for the next season, Swedish players should be invested and foreign players removed. How many I do not know, Hulth tells P4 Värmland.

Thomas Buza, the head of the Swedish table tennis association, does not agree with the picture that Storfors paints.

- It is quite true that we have discussed the number of players in the women's series, that we go from three to four (players in total) and want us to use Swedish players in the long term. It contradicts what they say. We went out with a referral with proposed changes, where the opposition was quite strong against going from three to four players and there we listened carefully to our associations and decided not to implement that change, Buza tells the local radio channel.

Storfor's women's team won an SM gold and took three silver during their time in the ping pong league.