Khabib Nurmagomedov continues to prepare for the fight for the UFC lightweight champion title with Tony Ferguson, scheduled for April 18. The day before, a Russian fighter returned to Makhachkala from the United States, where he trained for the past month and a half. The situation with the coronavirus forced him to do this. California, where its American Kickboxing Academy (AKA) club is located, is currently one of the largest epicenters in the epidemic.

“Habib has already returned and will train here. I have had my own room in the house since 1992. We endured to the last, but when a state of emergency was declared there, why was it necessary to stay? ”Sport-Express quoted the trainer and father of the athlete Abdulmanap Nurmagomedov.

He assured that at home there is everything necessary for full classes. His son is in good shape and continues active training, despite temporary inconvenience.

The UFC 249 tournament, in which Nurmagomedov and Ferguson will meet, was supposed to be held in New York. However, this became impossible after the introduction of an emergency regime in the United States, as well as a complete ban on mass events. In this regard, the possibility of transferring the battle to another country is currently being considered.

According to Russian manager Rizvan Magomedov, the organizers are considering four to five countries for this, but it’s too early to talk about a more specific option. At the same time, his father did not rule out that the fight could take place in Russia. In his opinion, this requires only a small room, and the number of seconds for each opponent can be reduced to one or two.

“Why not, if everything goes behind closed doors?” We have cities where you can conduct such a battle, many who are ready to accept it. Promoter Vladimir Khryunov, for example. And, of course, in Russia so far the least people suffer from coronavirus - among the big powers, ”added Nurmagomedov Sr.

Amid the cancellation of events around the world, UFC 249 remains one of the few competitions that have not yet become a “victim” of the epidemic. The promotion continues to report to the main event of the year in the world of mixed martial arts, although its head Dana White admits the possibility of transfer.

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Publication by ufc (@ufc) Mar 21, 2020 at 4:03 pm PDT

“You know, 10 days ago I would give a confident answer. I do not know. I have to act according to circumstances, as from the very beginning. I speak as it is: I have nothing to answer this question, ”White said in an interview with TSN a few days ago.

Some representatives of the world of MMA are also quite skeptical about this. The first Russian UFC champion Oleg Taktarov recalled that rivals had already scheduled a meeting four times, but external circumstances constantly interfered in their plans.

“I think that, despite all the efforts of Dana White, the fight will again have to endure. And what will happen next, no one knows. At the same time, Ferguson is still the most dangerous opponent for Nurmagomedov in lightweight, ”Taktarov told Izvestia.

A similar position is held by Alexander Shlemenko, currently leading negotiations with the Absolute Wrestling Championship. He did not rule out that the duel would still have to be canceled, although he emphasized that everything possible must be done to avoid this.

“Such a fight can go down in history, given the conditions in which they want to conduct it. Habib was lucky in this sense, because if he and Ferguson fight in the current circumstances, they will remember it for a long time. It would be possible to hold it in the studio, with the effects and other opportunities that are now available, to arrange an excellent sight for a television audience, ”Shlemenko quotes the“ Championship ”.

At the same time, the head of the Russian Fight Nights Global promotion Kamil Gadzhiev noted an important feature of such events, which will allow the UFC to conduct a fight, regardless of the situation in the world. The fact is that most of the revenue comes from broadcast sales. In his opinion, only at the expense of the audience the duel will bring $ 100 million.

“Well, just sinning to refuse. In a conversation with a journalist, I suggested that the battle can be held in a hangar, and White will shoot it on the 11th iPhone. Two seconds, the referee and all - 15 people, no longer needed. In any case, the demand for the PPV system will be unprecedented, ”said Hajiyev.

Be that as it may, the battle has not yet been canceled, and experts continue to make predictions about its outcome. Nurmagomedov and Ferguson are the strongest representatives of the light weight category, and therefore opinions about who will get the championship belt are divided.

UFC fighter Derrek Lewis suggested that the interim champion will be able to defeat the current holder of the belt.

“Tony always has a bunch of crazy tricks and movements that he hasn’t even shown in battles. He is constantly working on something, on wild pain and so on, ”said Lewis.

In turn, the former UFC heavyweight champion Junior dos Santos also noted the strengths of the American, but suggested that Nurmagomedov would win.

“I think it will be a great fight. Tony has so many different skills, he constantly rushes forward, is not afraid of his opponents, goes for what he wants. Habib is incredible, not suffering a single defeat is something. I'm waiting for this fight. It's hard to give a forecast, but I think Nurmagomedov will keep the belt, ”dos Santos gave the forecast.

Such a significant fight is expected not only in the world of mixed martial arts, but also representatives of other sports. So, Zenit forward and Artyom Dziuba shared their expectations.

“It's hard to say who is the favorite. I always said that they must fight. For Nurmagomedov, Ferguson is the most uncomfortable opponent. Tony is the only one who will not lie on the ground, will work with his elbows, he is tough, rude, a little inadequate, the only one who will not burn out and will not be scared. It will be difficult for Khabib, ”the press service of the blue-white-blue quoted Dziuba as saying.