The front of a cafe in Dortmund, Germany. - INA FASSBENDER / AFP

In these times of confinement, the German supporters of Borussia Dortmund have a thought for their favorite pubs, now deserted because of the coronavirus epidemic. So, to help these traders, BVB fans donated more than 70,000 euros on Sunday in a support operation for bars and restaurants in the city, thanks to the organization of a "virtual match day" on the Internet.

On the club's website, fans found a link to a page showing the 86 catering establishments registered for the operation. Everyone could click on the establishment (s) they usually frequent on the way to the stadium, and make a donation corresponding to their consumption of beer, fites or sausages on match days. In one day, the restaurants and bars collected a total of 73,611 euros.

The operation will be renewed

Some of these establishments make a large part of their turnover on match days in Dortmund, when more than 80,000 people converge on the stadium. "We are thrilled, and honestly touched, to see how many people participated in this operation and supported their favorite bar by pouring a few euros," Borussia marketing director Carsten Cramer said on the club website on Monday. The operation should continue in the coming days.


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  • Coronavirus
  • Covid 19
  • Sport
  • Soccer
  • Bundesliga
  • Germany
  • Restaurant
  • Bar
  • Borussia Dortmund