Australia has recently introduced an entry ban for travelers from all over the world, urging people not to travel abroad because of the spread of the corona virus. For Perseus Karlström, who is currently in Melbourne for a training period, the tougher restrictions mean a concern about becoming stuck in the country if more and more flights are canceled.

- I'll call the Swedish embassy and see what they recommend. Because I do not want to get into a situation where I can not get away from here I do not know how long, but the Prime Minister talked about that the restrictions will apply for half a year, Karlström told TT.

Affected financially

But at the same time, he notes, it might not be better at home in Sweden.

- Do I want to fly to someone who is worse than where I am? It is also an issue.

Most pre-Olympic walking competitions have already been canceled. Perseus Karlström would have gone to Portugal on the last of March, but that will not happen. Then he would have traveled to Mexico to continue the Olympics upload there.

The outbreak of the Coronavirus with set competitions also causes him to be financially affected.

- It is a greater cost to be in Australia than to be in Mexico. But I have good backing to bet on the Olympics, so I am doing well financially. But that all the World Cup competitions are canceled, I do not receive any direct income.

He obviously does not know when the nearest competition will take place, but guess at the earliest in June.

- But where, I don't know. The first ones to start competitions seem to be China, but if I go there I will be gladly referred to one of their quarantine hotels for two weeks, so it does not feel like fun to go there, says Karlström.

Can work out as usual

He sees the Olympics as unrealistic that it should be inaugurated as planned on July 24.

- But I will continue to exercise regardless of whether the Olympics get lost or not. There will be competitions eventually so it just has to be as well prepared as you can be when the competitions can be started again. But then we don't know if it will be in two months or in two years ...

And at least he can do the training. That bit of everyday life has hardly been disturbed at all. So the big dilemma is where it should be implemented in the near future. When he returns to Sweden he knows at least what he should do the first time:

- Then, even though those guidelines are not there, I will put myself in self-isolation to protect above all my family, but also others, if I were to pick up the virus on the way to Sweden. So I also think about that - I have to fix a place where I can be isolated, he says.