The national team's team captain Andreas Granqvist, 34, was not surprised when Uefa's announcement that the European Football Championship is moved until the summer of 2020 today came.

- Football is secondary, the most important thing is health and that all countries should have order and stop the spread of the virus so that we can get back to normal. So it feels like it was a pretty expected message, he says.

However, he admits it is boring.

- It is clear that it is sad not to have the championship this year. Everyone had been looking forward to it, both we players and the fans. But now it is as it is. The most important thing is to get the virus organized so that society can go back to normal and that we can stay healthy and reduce the spread, he says.

Sticking to the plan

For Andreas Granqvist's part, the decision means that it will be another year's national team investment. His plan has been to end the national team career with the European Championships, and that plan he sticks to.

- Right now I'm aiming to have a fantastic season with HIF here this year and to run in 2021 with HIF as well and then end the national team career with the European Championship 2021. So right now that is my goal, then I will obviously have a dialogue with Janne ( Andersson), he says, and continues:

- Then I hope, of course, to continue to be injury-free and that the body feels good so that you have the conditions to play a championship.

How do you think it will affect you to go almost six months without competition matches?

- Yes, now it will be two and a half months before the season starts, so it will be a record-long preseason. But it is important for us as a team and the coaches to get everyone as healthy and fresh as possible, but even now I feel very, very well and the body feels good for the season - so right now I feel very charged.

What do you think about your chances of taking a seat next summer, after all, it's over a year away?

- It is important for me to continue to perform in the club team and in the international matches that are before the championship. But I will certainly have a dialogue with Janne, but at present the plan is to aim for the European Championship next summer.

- But it is a long way away, it may be that what I say today does not apply in six months.

DON'T MISS: 20.30: The sports mirror special: sports and corona

CLIP: How to cope with boredom when all sports are set:

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