Events after events around the world are canceled or postponed due to the spread of the coronavirus. But in Finnish Kontiolahti they competed today and will do so on Saturday.

- It's inconsistent, I don't understand. You set everything in the world. The organizers say that there is no problem here (Kontiolahti) but then you should say that you can go to on Sunday. Or you also have problems and then you should set immediately. It should be two days or no day, says Sweden's German coach Johannes Lukas to SVT Sport.

The women's total cup is wide open with Dorothea Wierer (19th day) as leader on the paper but Tiril Eckhoff as virtual leader when she goes out as third in the hunt start. The same goes for the men's overall cup where Martin Fourcade leads with ten points ahead of Johannes Thingnes Bö.

- Maybe there were countries that wanted to run for the sake of the total, but I don't know. Given the times that prevailed, it may not have been the right decision. There is no good signal being sent to the world, says Lukas.

Compromise after meeting with the coaches

A compromise has been made at the international biathlon association, IBU.

- The situation changes from day to day around the corona virus and there is a lot of charge in the matter. Measures have been put in place to prevent the spread of the infection. We had to reconsider the question of how to proceed with the season. There are so many sports events that are set. We met the coaches just recently and after that meeting we decided to run the jackets tomorrow and after that season ends, says press officer at IBU Christian Winkler.

The Swedish management is critical and calls the decision strange. What do you say about that?

- Honestly, there were many different opinions, which is understandable. The virus has affected countries in different ways. Some have been hit hard while other countries have done better at this stage. Finding the only right decision is difficult. In the end we had to make a decision and we stuck to a compromise which was to cancel immediately or go all the way to Sunday. Now we ensure that everyone can return home and get a good end to the season.

You may be the only sport in Europe competing this weekend. How does it feel?

- Yes, maybe we are a little lucky that we are in Finland. The authorities here in Finland gave us the clear sign to drive, but it is not just about it but about how it feels in the whole biathlon family. After the meeting with the coaches, we can conclude that most people agree on this arrangement, concludes Winkler.

The season finale in Holmenkollen, Oslo, next weekend has been canceled. Each rider should count their two worst results.