Chelsea's outside Callum Hudson-Odoi has tested positive for the virus and Arsenal's manager Mikel Arteta is also infected. Arsenal, Chelsea, Everton and Leicester are in self-quarantine following the incidents and even Bournemouth are suspected of having players who are ill.

The match between Graham Potter's Brighton and Arsenal was postponed as a result of the Arteta incident and now the message is that games in the Premier League will be postponed.

- Above all, we wish Mikel Arteta and Callum Hudson-Odoi to recover quickly, including all others affected by the virus. FA and EFL want to assure everyone that the health and well-being of players, staff and supporters is our priority, says Premier Leagues CEO Richards Masters in a statement.

The decision also applies to FA tournaments, the lower league EFL and the women's league WSL. The idea is that the league game will resume no earlier than April 4, depending on the medical situation

It has already been clear that Spanish La Liga has been postponed for a few weeks in view of the infection and the matches in Italian Serie A take a break for a month for the same reason. Albin Ekdal's teammate in Sampdoria Manolo Gabbiadini is sick of the virus, just like John Guidetti's teammate Timo Hübers and Juventus player Daniele Rugani.

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Chelsea striker Callum Hudson-Odoi (in blue) has tested positive for covid-19. Now the whole squad is quarantined. Photo: Leila Coker / TT