Following yesterday's announcement of deferred competitions on the PGA Tour, golf enthusiasts waited excitedly for news about the classic Masters at Augusta. Today, Fred Ridley, President of Augusta, announces that the competition is on ice. No new date is mentioned in the press release that reached the golf world today.

“Given the latest information and expert analyzes, we have decided to postpone the Master Tournament. In the end, it was the health and well-being of everyone involved in the event that led us to the decision. We hope that the launch will put us in the best possible position to safely arrange the Master Tournament at a later date. ”, Fred Ridley writes in a press release.

The US Masters is one of the most traditionally heavyweight competitions in the golf world and has been organized every year since 1934 with the exception of 1943-45 on the occasion of World War II. The reigning champion is Tiger Woods who last year brought home his fifth green jacket.