Argentine soccer legend Diego Maradona sent a message of support yesterday to Italians who are going through a difficult period due to the outbreak of the new Corona virus, which led to the death of nearly 1016 people and injured more than 15 thousand people in the country.

Maradona posted a picture of him on the application "Instagram", wearing a Napoli shirt, his team during the eighties in the stadium of San Paolo, and wrote, commenting on it: "I lived in Naples for seven years, I have a family there, and a lot of people I love and who love me. Italy is part of my life and I want to send them a message of support in these difficult times. ”

"There (in Italy) everyone realized that they had to stay in their homes," added Maradona, 59, who was crowned champion of the Italian league in 1987 and 1990. "I hope we will comply with them in Argentina in due course."

"The golden boy" pointed out that "some people laugh at us, but the truth is that last Saturday, no one was talking about an epidemic here (in Argentina), we all received each other with a kiss, and the stadiums were filled with the end of it."

The Argentine government decided, Thursday, to suspend the arrival of international flights from countries most affected by the "Covid 19" virus, and some football matches will now be held without an audience. “I hope we can all get out of this crisis in the best possible way,” Maradona said. There (in Italy) and here. It is difficult to teach a country in 15 minutes, and this issue can be resolved through education, obedience and respect. Good luck everyone.

The former global superstar called on Argentines not to underestimate the dangerous virus.