Day 6 of sumo wrestling place Asanoyama is the first defeat Tsuru Ryu loses 2 March 19:20 on March 13

On the sixth day of the Grand Sumo Wrestling, Sekiwaki and Asanoyama, who were promoted by Ozeki, were the first to win five consecutive wins, lost to the Utaki Sea in the flat curtain, and had their first black spot. On the other hand, Yokozuna and Tsururyu lost to Tokusatsuryu, their first champion, and are the second to lose.

It is a victory after entering.

琴 Chiyomaru is the newcomer to Chiyomaru, and Chiyomaru sticks out.

魁 Kaisei is close to the East Dragon.

▽ Nishiki to Shimano Sea is the first place to win a place in Nishiki.

琴 Koto Shogiku is close to Ko Am Shogiku in Omami.

▽ Akio is on the way to Mt. Hekisan has 6 consecutive victories.

▽ The energies are raked and thrown.

海 The sea of ​​Sada is attacked by the Chiyo Dairyu.

隆 Taka wins over Mt. Tochihaki.

に Ishiura is a good thrower in Tochino.

鳳 Mt. Kirima won Shoho Mountain and Mt. Kirima won by a good throw.

妙 To Myogi Ryu, the shine pushes out.

竜 Ryuden comes to Yuwashi, and Ryuden comes close.

▽ Treasure Fuji is dropped into Abusaki, and Takara Fuji is pushed down.

▽ The sea of ​​Oki to Ama, the sea of ​​Oki won by pushing out.

北 Kitakatsu Fuji is pushed to Endo by Endo.

関 In the Sekiwaki and Asanoyama areas, where the Ozeki promotion takes place in the Ontake Sea, the Ontake Sea has won all the way, winning 6 consecutive victories. Asanoyama is the first place to lose now.

大 Dai-Ei Sho extruded in Masayo.

▽ Ozeki / Kikage wins over Yan Peng, and Kikage wins.

横 Yokozuna and Hakuho are close to Toyoyama. Hakuho has 6 consecutive victories.

に Tokusatsu Ryu is close to Yokozuna and Crane Ryu. Tokatsu Ryu is the first Venus.
The defeated Tsuruyu suffered a second defeat.