The Liverpool Champions League champion bid farewell to the championship after losing yesterday to Atletico Madrid 3-2 in Anfield, the stronghold of Liverpool, to make the total of the two matches 4-2, and after the team's loss, the fans opened fire on a small child, the team expected that it was the cause of the team's loss and the deterioration of its results In 4 league matches, the FA Cup and the UEFA Champions League Farewell.

Since the team lost, the fans of the English team poured into a child named Dari Curley, who is a fan of Manchester United, who had written a letter to the coach of Jürgen Juergen Klopp, to change everything dramatically after that message.

The little boy’s message stated that he is asking Klopp to stop a little from winning and give the competitors the opportunity to score goals. Liverpool have been unbeaten since the beginning of the season, especially in the Premier League, and it was surprising that Jurgen Klopp was keen to respond to that message with great humility, but he did not know It's a damned message.

In his message to the Red Devils child, the Liverpool coach indicated that he is working for Liverpool to win, and there are millions around the world who are fans of the club waiting for his victories, and Club sealed the message and said: "You are ten years old, and I am 52 years old, let me tell you the truth of life, nothing It lasts my son. ”

It is strange that the content of the message and the response was achieved with the English team.

As a result of this message, Liverpool fought 6 games after Klopp received this message, and Liverpool did not know defeat before it, and after that he fell in 4 games out of 6 he fought in various tournaments, he fell against Atlético Madrid back and forth, bid farewell to the Champions League, and also received a severe defeat In the three-league championship against Watford, which is the first defeat in the Premier League season, which made him lose the opportunity to enter history, as he will not be able to finish the season without defeat to equal the historical record recorded in the name of Arsenal during the era of Arsene Wenger, in addition to that Liverpool bid farewell to the England Cup Two goals from Chelsea, and with these defeats F. He won the two games hard-won, to become Darry Curley the talk of the English press