The International Federation (FIA), Formula 1 and the promoter of the Australian GP decided to cancel the first race of the 2020 World Cup, scheduled for Sunday in Albert Park, according to the BBC. After listening to team representatives and Australian health authorities, Liberty Media postponed the grand prize, splashed in the last few hours by a coronavirus positive from a member of the McLaren team.

Throughout the night in Melbourne, the FIA ​​is expected to make the cancellation official in a statement. The pinnacle of motorsports will thus become the last major event to surrender to the global pandemic, which had already led the Champions League, NBA, MotoGP, Premier League or LaLiga.

The suspension will increase questions about the future of the championship, with an initial schedule of 21 races. However, the Bahrain GP, ​​scheduled for March 29, is now on the wing due to the coronavirus pandemic, which a few weeks ago already caused the suspension of the Chinese GP.

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