When the judicial administrator who manages Málaga CF arrived at the offices to face his first day of work, he was afraid of the reception he would have among the club staff. Especially, because his first decisions were going to be tough, such as the sale to Granada CF of Antoñín, the team player with the most projection of the team. But his surprise was capitalized when "he was received with open arms," ​​explain sources consulted by this newspaper, who believe that the intervention of the sports society "was the only way to prevent his disappearance." An overwhelming assertion that they extract from the analysis of the documentation seized by the National Police and that they reveal that the entity was the particular ATM of Sheikh Al Thani and his children, who supposedly took money at will to pay rent, buy cars, pay expensive trips or, perhaps the most dangerous for the survival of the team, the acquisition of actions to perpetuate themselves in power.

The report prepared by the Group III of Money Laundering of the Provincial Police Station for the Court of Instruction Court number 14 of Malaga, whose owner has separated the Al Thani family from the management of the team, is based on the information collected by investigators during the intervention that last January 22 carried out in the offices of the blue and white team. A text in which the money allegedly taken from the coffers of the club by Sheikh Abdullah Bin Nasser Al Thani and his sons Nasser , Nayef and Rakan , members of the board of directors, is raised to 7.3 million euros network of instrumental societies.

The document, to which this newspaper has had access, places Nas Football SL at the epicenter of the economic bleeding to which the Al Thani have allegedly submitted to the club. This company owned by the sheikh is the recipient of most of the funds that left Málaga CF in the form of loans or credits and through which most of the personal expenses of the Qatari clan were paid.

Among the goods that have been indirectly paid with Malaguista money, there is a tourism of the Audi brand for which 40,000 euros were given "as input and signal" or the 64,500 euros disbursed to cover the rents of Abdullah Bin Nasser's children .

Nayef and Nasser made personal trips for a total of 120,769.03 euros through the agency Halcón Viajes, according to the researchers, who capture in their report a particularly striking case. This is a getaway to London that five family members made in May 2017 and whose stay at the Dorchester Hotel supposedly cost the club 39,314.51 euros. The round trip was set for days 10 and 14, respectively, but upon returning three days later they were penalized with 250 euros. The thing was not there. The children of the sheikh finally chose to hire a charter flight whose amount was 23,700 euros.

"The members of the board of directors or their companies are disposing of a series of amounts delivered or paid by Málaga CF for various purposes that can be classified privately, since in principle they do not respond to the corporate purpose or interests of the sports society, "warn the agents, who suggest that the four million came out of the club's accounts with which the sheikh had to compensate the architect José Seguí for the failed project of the port of La Bajadilla in Marbella.

Another aspect of special interest for those responsible for the case is that, in spite of the club's bylaws, they state that the members of the board of directors will only be remunerated for attending meetings through diets, Group III of Money Laundering warns that the Al Thani family "has approved - since at least 2016 - an annual amount of 1,444,736.88 euros per year to pay their duties as directors." A remuneration of the

that a crime against the Public Treasury could be released if the corresponding tax obligations had not been met.

The police investigation has also highlighted the alleged movements of the sheikh to remain the top shareholder of the club and circumvent the consequences of the judgment of the Court of First Instance number 12 of Malaga that forced Sheikh Abdullah Bin Nasser to deliver 49 percent of its actions to the Blue Bay group.

With the support of small shareholders, this hotel holding company could take over the management of the club and remove the Al Thani. However, as described in the report, they took advantage of the period of instruction of the case and the subsequent ruling, to carry out several operations to acquire new titles. For example, they were made with 4,474 shares owned by former Malaguista president Fernando Puche when they were seized by the Tax Agency and taken up for auction. An operation that cost more than 100,000 euros that "again meant an outflow of funds from Málaga CF"

All these underground acquisitions have finally allowed Al Thani to remain the top shareholders with 50.33 percent of the club's shares.

Therefore, and "based on all the above", the researchers defend the intervention of the club because "the economic activity developed to date by the Board of Directors can seriously endanger the sports entity and, therefore, its survival".

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • Malaga
  • Malaga CF
  • National Police
  • Tax agency

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