Up to the gateway to Anfield Stadium, the coronavirus seems not to go with Liverpool. Once there, the only obstacle to the heart of the enclosure is a form consisting of several five questions. "Have you been to any of these countries?" The list is made up of 14 states, including Italy. "Do you have any of these symptoms?" It is enough to mark an 'x' in the box of N (No) to have free track.

Because on Liverpool's busy Paradise Street, one of the city's commercial pedestrian streets, everyone walks carefree. The coronavirus does not seem to generate distress in the cradle of the Beatles. Only a small warning sign that something has changed on a day-to-day basis. In the minimalist reception of the Novotel Center hotel, on a small but elevated round wooden table, there is a canister of disinfectant gel in case any of the newcomers are welcome to use it as a precaution. That, at least, in this busy corner.

The wind blows with desire on the aforementioned 'catwalk' of Paradise Street. More than the owner of a stall would like, where dozens of scarves, announcing the imminent Liverpool-Athletic (X / 21.00), are outlined with violence. While Paris will close the gates of the stadium that will house the PSG-Borussia Dortmund , in Anfield, unless last minute change, everything will work as planned and the stands will be filled to attend a match that, unlike many others in Europe, does not It seems to be under suspicion.

No mask is detected in the streets of Liverpool where, at noon, many of its inhabitants fill restaurants, shops and entertainment venues without fear. Even the seagulls, which rest from the nearby estuary of the Mersey River, observe the scene very normally. As nothing happened in the rest of the planet.

Door closed?

More than three kilometers away, at another point in the city, stands the mythical Anfield Stadium. The same where on Wednesday, at about 20.00 British time, more than 45,000 people will congregate. "Play behind closed doors? The problem is that if you are not in football, you are in a bar. In any case, we will accept any decision," Jurgen Klopp , coach of the red team, said with a serious gesture.

There were also no symptoms of concern at the Manchester airport, a neighboring city, just over an hour by road. The only masks came from the flight that Barajas had left. Surely, there would be some more coming from some other destination. But through the terminal there was no trace of thermometers or any type of control for the coronavirus, despite the fact that many travelers came from places such as Madrid, which became one of the main centers of Spain.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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