Major league Reds Akiyama 3 consecutive hits The first RBI is also March 9 at 15:11

Shogo Akiyama of Major League Division Reds participated in the open match against Angels on the 8th, increasing the number of consecutive hits to "3" with two hits including the first timely hit.

Akiyama competed at the No. 1 Center in the open match against Angels in Arizona on the 8th. Akiyama's first at bat was a first goro, but his second at bat was a second infield hit to the second.

Four times, he played a minor contract left pitcher who pitched with the third player with a chance of one out first base second base, hit the fifth fastball and made a timely two base hit to the left line.

Akiyama scored three consecutive hits as well as raising his first RBI in a two-base, the first in an open game with three RBIs and one RBI in this game. The batting average was 30.46%.

Akiyama looked calmly at the third at-bat, saying, "I felt like I was hitting a bat against the left pitcher and flying long where I was out of people, rather than hitting in a good scene." Was.