After 40 kilometers, it was still a large cluster where both Jens Burman and Daniel Richardsson were present. After the ski change, Burman was 16th skier and was in fifth place after 40.1 kilometers when 15 skiers were within ten seconds of the lead.

Bolshunov then grilled the field hard but Burman, as well as about ten other riders hung on and remained in the top bracket with just over three kilometers left. Then the field cracked slightly and there was a small gap for five riders, where Burman lost.

The last kilometers the Russian Alexander Bulshunov and the Norwegian Simen Hegstad Krüger grilled each other. At the rally, the Russian was the stronger of the two and he is thus defending his title from last year.

Burman finally finished eight, 26.7 seconds after the win. Daniel Richardsson turned 21st.