The Russian traveled the distance in 2 hours 8 minutes 5.3 seconds.

The second place was taken by the Norwegian Simen Hegstad Krueger, losing 0.9 seconds to Bolshunov. The top three winners, with a lag of 19.5 seconds, was closed by another representative of Norway - Emil Iversen.

Russian Ilya Semikov finished 14th, Aleksey Chervotkin 17th, Alexander Bessmertnykh 19th, Ivan Yakimushkin 20th, Yermil Vokuev 23rd, Andrei Sobachev 32nd, and Andrei Larkov did not start .

The leader of the Norwegian team Johannes Klebo finished the race 15th.

Earlier it was reported that Johaug won the overall standings of the World Cup in cross-country skiing.