Houssem Aouar will want to take his revenge from the first leg against Saint-Etienne. - PHILIPPE DESMAZES / AFP


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8:18 p.m . : Hello louloutos and louloutas. I'm about to go to bed brats but before that I could not leave you any longer in uncertainty. WE HAVE THE COMPOS

The memories are as soft as a cloud of spring but the results of the weekend must have brought the Lyonnais back to reality. By imposing themselves both outside, Rennes and Lille put a lot of pressure on the team of Rudi Garcia, practically forced to beat Saint-Etienne to stay vaguely in the race for 3rd place. Shouldn't that be a problem against the 16th of L1 who hasn't put one foot in front of the other for weeks? It remains a derby, which the Lyonnais had also lost on the outward journey, three days after the arrival of Claude Puel on the bench of Stéphane. The trigger fizzled for the Greens, but given their difficulties at home, Aouar's teammates should not be clever either.

  • Sport
  • Jean-Michel Aulas
  • OL
  • Soccer
  • League 1
  • Saint Etienne