Before the Vasaloppet, the big topic of conversation was the snow shortage in Dalarna. However, the last few days it has been snowing and when the classic ski race started it was a heavy snowfall. Despite the snowfall, the elite set a high pace. At the asking price of Mangbodarna, the seals were minutes faster than last year.

At Evertsberg - which is just over half way - the dense group of seven riders had a margin of just a minute to a second cluster and a little further down was the large cluster. For the next final check which is Hökberg, Petter Eliassen and Stian Hoelgaard had burst the field with a lead of just over half a minute. A lead that the duo kept to Eldris with 9 kilometers to the finish.


It would also be a one-trick deal between Petter Eliassen and Stian Hoelgaard. There, Petter Eliassen won 4.25.14 with seven hundredths ahead of Hoelgarrd. Trea stopped the compatriot Torleif Syrstad. Best Swedish was Klas Nilsson, from Skellefteå, who finished fifth with just a minute after Eliassen.

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March 1, 07.30 Photo: TT News Agency