In 93 seconds, Viktor Ekbom scored as many points as he did in the last six games and the first goal since November 21, when he dipped in 1-0. It helped Frölunda lead 2-0 after the first period.

- It is a boost for self-confidence of course. It is 40 minutes left and, sad answer, we will try to play equally well in the rest of the game so I can enjoy it afterwards, he told C more then.

After Joel Lundqvist scored his ninth powerplay goal for the season, it was again time for Viktor Ekbom to score again, then up to 4-1.

However, Örebro created trash in the event and reduced to 3-4 and had chances for receipt.

MORE SUCCESSFUL: Here they win the CHL (February 4)

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Frölunda won the CHL for the fourth time