It became a heavy mixed relay for the Swedish biathlon team. There were a total of fifteen bombs for Sweden. The only one who shot fully was Hanna Öberg.

- It feels like I've started the championship in a good way, especially on the shooting range. Nice to bring it to the upcoming competitions, she says.

The high altitude in Antholz caused the 24-year-old to have war in the track.

- It feels like I was a little tired at the end, I think it was totally okay in the beginning. But otherwise I think it feels totally okay, I'm pretty sure it's going to come more and more. We have been at a lower altitude before here, so I still feel a little up here where it is a few hundred meters higher, she says.

Persson after the start: "Not at all fun"

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Linn Persson after the nightmare start: "Not at all fun"

"Not really acclimated"

SVT's expert Björn Ferry questions why the national team has not prepared at high altitude.

- I think that's what Hanna herself said in the interview, she's not really acclimated. Then I think that form is already coming to the sprint. But why have they not charged at the right height? It is a justified question, he says, and continues:

- Here at the World Cup they also do not live up here on the competition site. They live down in the village, it is only at 1 100 meters altitude. Not quite perfect. But it may come, it will probably come afterwards.

Norway won the gold before Italy. The Czech Republic embraced bronze.