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Anthony Randolph (Würzburg, Germany, 1989) imposes. Not only because of its 211 centimeters, but also because of its bad flea legend. And because he is not reminded of any interview since he arrived in Spain , back in 2016. During the conversation, shortly before leaving for Malaga where this Thursday (9:30 p.m.) he faces the RetaBet Bilbao, he does not insist on changing the suspicions. He is not the nicest guy in the world, but he also leaves no doubt that he is not here to be funny: he gets angry, a lot, when things don't go as he wants. That is not exactly what has been happening lately, solid as ever, essential as always for Real Madrid: «My job is not to smile, I take it in a very serious way».

"I have not really changed anything. As a professional, you try to do your best every year. Fortunately, I have been improving, always one more step. And I think that is what is happening now," he analyzes about a course as everyone expected of him since it landed from the Lokomotiv Kuban , with that wing-power aura with all the elements to have triumphed in the NBA. Only Campazzo can claim to be in a sweeter moment than Randolph, top scorer of the team in Euroleague (13.7), where he brushes 50% from the triple -in ACB lower their minutes-, holder always, that deadly weapon from the corner that accustoms to powerful sunrises, as if with him Pablo Laso tried to make things clear from the beginning.

What is the reason for that stability? «I don't have time to think about that, to sit down and analyze. We are in the middle of the season, there are many games. I just try to stay focused, it's what worries me. I couldn't even tell you my statistics, because I don't know them . When he tries to go further and is questioned by the MVP, the one who never conquered white in any of the titles he won since he arrived (a Euroleague, two Leagues and a Cup), also clears balls: «It is an individual prize and it would be a good thing, but what you do doesn't matter. What matters is to win the title. One of the worst feelings is to see how another team lifts the trophy.

That happened to Madrid in the last two Cups, which escaped him in tight and controversial finals against Barça. Just last year, in that outcome that unleashed all the storms, it was Randolph himself the protagonist. First with the singleton foul that the referees ignored. His was after the plug that they considered illegal and that it was actually a rebound . As if waiting for the question, he sketches half a sardonic smile, looks the other way and passes word. "I do not want to talk about that". But...? "I do not want to talk about that. We all made mistakes ».

Randolph's career has always lacked the climax. Star project - he was born in Germany because his parents, both military, were destined there, but grew up in Los Angeles -, a stunned left-hander who quickly emerged on the same university as Shaquille O'Neal (LSU), number 14 of the 2008 draft , He never finished curdling in the NBA, even though he lived nights to remember, mainly in his beginnings in those Warriors that would eventually dominate. In his second season he made 28 points, 13 rebounds and five assists to the Magic (he averaged 11.6 and 6.5 very young, just 20 years old), just before everything began to twist. As always, a transfer, third-party decisions, his bones in the Knicks, where he signed another huge performance (31 points and 11 rebounds to the Mavericks), again the suitcases to Minnesota and then Denver ... an already unbearable wandering and a drifting star project with only 24 years.


«I really don't know what happened. It's something you have to ask General Managers and coaches. I do not decide whether to play more or less or whether or not to renew the contract. The best thing that could happen to me was to come to Europe and Madrid. It is the best club in which I have worked, one of the best in the world, above even some of the NBA, ”he recalls, without playing to imagine and without pretending to return:“ I do not know how my career would have been there. I don't think about the NBA anymore, it doesn't worry me. The advantages of Europe? «Here I compete for titles every year».

"A false story"

It cost, but in Madrid it found its stability. In the capital of Spain his son Julián came to the world a year ago -Kayla was born in Denver in 2004-. Here you enjoy food and wine, your passions of foodies. And, newly renovated, until at least 2023 here it will continue. After seven seasons, he will become one of the foreigners with the most impact on the club's history. He is clear - "I want to be remembered as someone who went out there and put everything to win , one of those Americans who came and won many titles and loved and enjoyed being part of the club" - although these waters were not always calm.

Something happened at the end of the 2018 course. His performance fell apart, Laso stopped counting on him and disappeared from the ACB final against Barça. An exit door opened. Dizzy that you don't want to remember either. «It was not a bad time. It was the fault of the media, they were wrong, it was a false story. And it shows that I am here and I have just renewed », ditch. «He decided that we had more chances to win with others on the track. And it is understandable. Nobody remembers who played and yes we won .

There is much that Anthony found in Madrid and not only that alias that Samu gave him -Castillo, the physiotherapist- and that is taken with humor, now yes. Toñejo values ​​the commitment to continuity, by foreigners who remain for years, against the usual norm, which is "clearly the reason for the long period of success." «We build a group and it is maintained, in good times and in bad times. We know how to help each other, we know each other. And we know how to win titles, which is something that has to be learned ».

Also value what Pablo Laso brings: "Much." "He is probably the best coach in Europe. He loves basketball. It's not just that he pays attention to everything that happens in the ACB and in the Euoliga, his work with the young players catches my attention: he knows everything about the new generations And he is brave to make them play, he is a great 'developer' of talent and he has an enormous ability to handle super stars. For me it is an honor to play for him, "he concludes.

It only remains to ask Randolph for that aura of a rebel without a cause, for that feeling of permanent anger. «Fans only see a small part of my life, a couple of hours on television playing basketball, little to get an idea of ​​how I am. They don't see me with my friends and my family . I don't worry about people seeing me smile or look happy. I love what I do, that's what guides me, ”he reasons.

- But is Randolph a fun guy?

-You just have to ask my classmates about that.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • Europe
  • Madrid
  • Spain
  • Germany
  • sports

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