Kylian Mbappé could play Euro 2020 - James Marsh / BPI / REX / Shutterstock / SIPA

Will I not go to the 2020 Olympics? The summer soap opera by Kylian Mbappé with the France team is not about to be finished, especially since Noël Le Graët has just given a layer in an interview with the daily L'Equipe .

“I would rather have him at the Olympics, especially for the image. He's a boy who's already on top. But I put myself in the place of PSG. They may not want him to do all the competitions. But I don't think they would oppose it. In terms of image, it would be complicated for them. And for us, complicated not to select it, "said the boss of the French Football Federation.

The example of Neymar in 2016

Le Graët did not fail to recall that "Neymar was well at the Olympics" [in 2016] and that the hopeful selector, Sylvain Ripoll also "very much wants" to see Mbappé in Tokyo next summer. As for Didier Deschamps, "he will give his opinion". The suspense is total. Unsustainable, even.


PSG: “Tripling the Champions League-Euro-JO”… Mbappé therefore always dreams of the Olympic Games

  • Sport
  • French football team
  • OJ 2020
  • Noël le Graët
  • Kylian Mbappé
  • FFF