Maitha Abdullah, a mother of four, the Sharjah Women’s Table Tennis Club team player revealed her refusal to retire, despite reaching the age of 41, before she won the gold medal for this competition in the Games for Arab Clubs for Women, currently held in Sharjah, and organized by the Sharjah Foundation For women's sports until February 12, confirming that the bronze of the teams and doubles won in the current version will not discourage them from pursuing the aspirations of the slogan of harvesting gold in the next versions.

Maitha told «Emirates Today»: “The love of table tennis was behind the transfer of this sport to my four children, which motivates me to continue playing ambitiously winning the gold medal of the Arab Women's Clubs Games, in light of my satisfaction and my colleagues in the Sharjah Club team won the bronze medal at my level Teams and my husband, as well as being the second consecutive time that we have achieved this achievement after the 2018 edition, and I intend to continue my career in this game, especially as I aspire in the future to become a coach for my children who also play this sport, even if it is necessary to buy a table and put it in Home ».

Explaining: "The announcement of joining table tennis in the 2018 edition of the Arab Women's Clubs Games competitions was behind my encouragement in 2017 to return and play the game, after a 17-year hiatus, particularly since I won the Arab Games in Damascus in 2000, despite The interruption period, however, the love of this sport was and still applies in my veins, which has always motivated me to transfer this sport to my children, and I am determined to achieve my aspirations, and perhaps the most prominent one is to set an example for my children by seeking in the next versions to win the gold medal, then devoted to training them to move forward To shine, and reach the national teams in Dr. Him ». She added: “The strength of the competitions that table tennis witnessed in the current version bears a double responsibility for making great efforts in order to develop our performance as players, especially since the sufficiency of the bronze, for the second time in a row, came in the light of the permanent development of Gulf and Arab clubs, such as Kuwait, Bahrain and Algeria, met by a delay In the launch of the domestic league until last season, and we look forward to benefiting in the coming period from the existence of this league, as it provides a large number of matches, which is the only way to develop table tennis players, before resuming the attempt in the Games of the 2022 edition with the ambition of gold ».

She concluded: "The idea of ​​retirement is still far away, and perhaps the closest idea is to focus on my sons Shahd (11 years), Sultan (8 years), Shamsa (6 years), and Shaza the two-year-old, with the goal of teaching them table tennis in the right way."

Sharjah Runners Snatch Gold and Silver "Half Marathon"

Sharjah Women’s Sports Club won the gold and silver medals in the “Half Marathon” race, in the first competitions of the Mother of Games (Athletics), which took place yesterday in Sharjah, for a distance of 21.1 km.

Emirati runner Sarah Al-Alman covered the race distance with a time of two hours, two minutes, and five seconds, she was able to grant her the first place and the gold medal, while her colleague at Sharjah Women’s Sports Club, Salha Basti, came in second place, with a time of two hours, 12 minutes, and 59 parts of a second.

Today, the basket enters its exclusive roles

Today, the basketball competition starts its exclusionary roles, as four games are held for the quarter-finals, which begins in the second afternoon with the Egyptian Sporting meeting with the Kuwaiti girl, and it is followed at four in the afternoon with the Tunisian hope meeting against the Bahraini Riffa, while the hospitality owners of Sharjah women enter a difficult mission when they face At 6:00 pm in Al-Fuhais, Jordan, and the curtain falls at eight in the evening with the meeting of the Algerian Petroleum Complex and the Syrian coast. The basket competition system stipulated that its preliminary role be held in the group league system from one stage, the results of which lead the qualifications of the first four owners of both groups to the quarter-finals, provided that the leaders of the two groups who face the fourth ranks of the other group meet, and that the two groups in the third group meet next. And the ladies of Sporting Egypt and Al-Amal Al-Tunisi knew how to guarantee their lead in their first and second groups, after the day before yesterday, they included deciding the top of their group.