The Para Table Tennis International Tournament scheduled to be held in Hangzhou, China has been postponed on January 30 at 23:08

Due to the spread of the new coronavirus, the international para-table tennis competition scheduled to be held in Hangzhou, China in March has been postponed.

The Para-Table Tennis International Tournament, China Open, was to be held in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, China from March 12th to 15th.

However, the International Table Tennis Federation announced on Tuesday that it will postpone the event following the spread of the new coronavirus.

The participation in the Tokyo Paralympics is supposed to be decided by the world ranking on March 31st, and the Chinese Open was a tournament with high points reflected in the world ranking.

Therefore, nine players from Japan, including Zenyu Inoue and Yukimi Chada, aiming to participate in the Tokyo Paralympics, were scheduled to participate.