Yesterday, the message came that Kungsbacka DFF was rescued from closure during an extra annual meeting. The members then voted through a continued operation for the club. Eight people were for the club to live on, five wanted a resolution and one person voted blankly.

At the same time, Chairman Johan Johqvist announced that he was leaving. But he was not alone.

Now SVT Sport can tell you that he was not alone to resign without all the active board members leaving his office.

- The entire board has resigned. We are a total of seven on the board, but six have resigned. The last one left has never participated, you could say. He was put in an impossible situation when he was elected and will also step down during the annual general meeting, says Johan Johqvist to SVT Sport.

What makes everyone jump off?

- Everyone has come to the same thing after some reflection time. We do not believe in the project simply. Now the decision was made that the association should live on and then you have to bring both players and leaders here. Then money is required.

So what happens now?

- It's written in the stars. I think the members should step forward and take hold of the situation. Got to take and fix everything, there is a lot to do.

February 22 is the date that Kungsbacka will have a team ready for play against Kristianstad in the Swedish Cup. Today, a player is under contract.

- Getting a squad is reasonable but then playing the Swedish Cup is another matter, says Johqvist about the possibilities of getting a team ready until then.

The elite start on April 4.