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The coronavirus is gradually forcing to change headquarters or postpone all international sporting events that were going to be held in China in these first months of 2020. First it was the women's Basketball Pre-Olympic , who were going to play four teams (including Spain ) from February 6 to 9 in Foshan . The town is located 1,000 kilometers from Wuhan, the epicenter of the epidemic, but only 20 from Guangzhou, the third largest population in the country with twelve million inhabitants and where there have been cases of infection. The tournament, in which the national team will try to get one of the three places available for the Tokyo Olympics, will finally be played in Belgrade .

FIBA made this decision after "carefully assessing the development of the coronavirus outbreak," according to its statement. "It is the best possible decision to guarantee the health of our athletes, " said Jorge Garbajosa , president of the Federation.

On Thursday it was also learned that the powerful Chinese basketball league (CBA) has postponed its season because of the epidemic. Thus, their players are free to return to Euroleague or even NBA teams. .

The next event to be modified has been the Indoor Athletics World Championship , which should have been held in the city of Nanjing from March 13 to 15, but has been suspended due to the spread of the virus. «The advice of our medical team, which is in contact with the World Health Organization, is that the spread of the coronavirus both within China and outside the country is still at a worrying level and no one should move forward with any important event» , explained World Athletics, governing body of international athletics.

A speech that begins to penetrate the different agencies and responsible for the different events that are going to take place in China. The Super Football League has been postponed, as well as a test of the Alpine skiing World Cup in Siaohaituo, the Cycling Tour of Hainan, the boxing tournament to get a place for Tokyo (Wuhan), the pre-Olympic women's football (Wuhan) ) ... Even the Chinese league of the video game League of Legends , the most followed in the world.

In April, the country plans to host two Diamond League athletics events , a Formula 1 Grand Prix in Shanghai and a Formula E GP in Hainan . The motor world will travel before to Thailand (MotoGP) and Vietnam (F1), countries that have already been affected by the epidemic. «We follow the evolution closely and are in contact with the authorities. We will evaluate the calendar and, if necessary, we will take the relevant actions to protect the motor community and its public, ”announced the International Automobile Federation.

And, in the distance, the Tokyo Olympic Games , which will be played from July 24 to August 9 in Japan, where the authorities have already confirmed eleven cases of contagion . “We will have more information about the risk of infection and we can prepare and take precautions. But I hope we can celebrate them as planned, ”acknowledged Koji Wada, professor of public health at the University of Tokyo and co-author in 2018 of a book on the risks of these Games for the health of visitors. Wada says that " probably" a vaccine against coronavirus is not ready before summer, but hopes that the time is sufficient to obtain defenses to contain it.

Beyond the Games, at the end of the year East Asia and Southeast Asia will receive two more Formula 1 Grand Prix (Singapore and Japan), one from MotoGP (Motegi, Japan), the China Open Badminton , the WTA Finals of tennis (Shenzhen, China), the Rally of Japan and the World Tour Finals of badminton in Guangzhou (China).

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  • Coronavirus
  • Wuhan
  • sports
  • Formula 1

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