Talk about super-turning!

Although Boston went 1-0 to Patrice Bergeron after eleven seconds, and less than two minutes later to 2-0 by a sharp wrist shot by Anders Bjork, Pittsburgh won tonight's NHL game in Pennsylvania.

A receipt in boxplay

After the NHL's goal king Davis Pastrnak was listed for 3-0 (a goal that was in fact a self-goal) a quarter into the period, the game changed form.

After two reductions, Jack Johnson acknowledged in numerical disadvantage at the beginning of the third period through a rock hard and well-placed shot.

Malkin involved in 4-3

But it didn't end there. For in the 13th minute of the period also came 4-3 for Pittsburgh. Jevgenij Malkin tackled Charlite McAvoy behind goal and passed Bryan Rust who struck directly and gave Pittsburgh the lead.

- Malkin has to show that he has several dimensions. He can win the close matches only through sheer strength and then he has the game mind too, says SVT Sports expert Jonas Andersson.

"So strong"

4-3 became the final goal of the game, and Pittsburgh won despite their nightmare start.

- It is so strong to come back from a 0-3 sub-position, says Andersson impressed.