Oliwer Magnusson was ninth after a stable first year (58.08 points), and after an even better second year, the Swedish 19-year-old had 72.95 points, but in terms of placement, it finally became a ninth place in the Italian Seiseralm.

- The jump sections are really good. But he may be missing a little more in the difficulty. It would have needed a little more rotation, said SVT.'s commentator Björn Becksmo after Magnusson's second ride.

Expert Oscar Harlaut filled in:

- Since Oliwer chooses a little technically lighter ride than those at the top, it really is important to set it perfectly, and he gets a little off balance on the other rail.

Segrade did Norwegian Birk Ruud. Two became Fabian Boesch, Switzerland, and third place was Colby Stevenson, USA.