André Villas-Boas linked his future to that of Zubizarreta - JEE / SIPA

Everything was fine, all too well at OM. Sporting stability found - second in Ligue 1 undefeated since the end of October - the Champions League already in the firing line ... And finally, everything collapsing like a house of cards. Finally maybe. André Villas-Boas made remarks at a press conference that cast doubts both on the club's internal strategy and its future as well as that of Zubizarreta in Marseille.

At the origin of this projection, the arrival within the organigram of Marseille of Paul Ardridge, responsible for selling the Marseille assets across the Channel. In other words, to sell Marseille players to English clubs to make the most of them. To which Villas-Boas, which says it has not been warned, does not adhere too much.

“It was a decision made by Jacques-Henri Eyraud, which Andoni explained to me last week. It is up to the president to justify this choice. I do not think that it facilitates sales to English clubs, it is rather the sports competitiveness which allows the players to leave, it is not by putting an agent or an adviser that it will work better, but hey… Au president to explain. "

If Zubi leaves, AVB leaves

If Eyraud succeeds in proving to him by A + B that it is a beneficial maneuver for the club, the Portuguese promises to reconsider his position. But for now, he wants guarantees on the integrity of his group to ensure he reaches his goal, to qualify for the Champions League. “I knew when I arrived that the economic situation of the club had priority over the sporting aspect. But normally what helps clubs sell is sports performance, which is at the top right now. I think the interest of the club is therefore to maintain these performances at the top. "

Villas-Boas on his future at OM: "I can answer with frankness, but I cannot. I am a man of the world, I left China to do the Dakar, I came here for the greatness of the club and for Andoni. With that you have an idea "

- Le Phocéen (@lephoceen) January 15, 2020

The icing on the cake, the former Porto and Chelsea coach has linked his future at OM to that of Andoni Zubizarreta, weakened by this unexpected arrival. If the latter is disembarked, AVB will leave the ship. “I came here first for the size of the club, second for Andoni Zubizarreta. I have already said that my future is intimately linked to its future. The air conditioning turns on at the Vélodrome.


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  • Soccer
  • Sport
  • Jacques-Henri Eyraud
  • Marseilles
  • André Villas-Boas
  • OM