He was at his first Olympics as early as 1992, as an 18-year-old, and also won a team race medal. Also swam a lot of World Cup and European Championships and collected successes, but the lasting picture was a sick Frölander.

"I almost had a mantra in the 90s that sounded: healthy three weeks, sick two weeks," he says with a sigh, noting that it was several times very close that he quit, not least in 1999.

It was a year before the Olympic gold that became his broad breakthrough with the Swedish people. Frölander won 100 m butterfly in Sydney in front of Australian home jumps like Klim and Huegill and thanks his choice to change the diet.

Assisted by kinesiologist

The swimming profile, which was investigated for chlorine allergy among other things, met a kinesiologist, ended up with milk and milk products and then hooked on the green wave. A completely changed life for a "vegetable skeptic" who may have had a little cucumber and tomato on the plate that otherwise contained what he called "junk food".

It took his career to another three Olympic Games, a total of six, with London 2012 being the last.

He says he developed his vegetarian reporter, but is also reminded of a time when a lot of spinning around avocados. An important element in the smoothies he mixed up ("I had 30 pieces running at the same time in one system") and sometimes a dozen / day consumption.

Known as the avocado man

- My breakfast consisted of two avocados, 150 grams of broccoli, 150 grams of kale and 100 grams of spinach. I mixed it with water, salt and some olive oil, then I mixed it into a large smoothie of about 1.1 liters. I always swept it in before going down and exercising.

He who received the epithet avocado man has radically reduced that intake ("it is noticeable in the wallet"), but now enjoys a lot of chickpea tubes, mung bean paste and other vegan alternatives. He does not want to push anyone else's lifestyle, but is happy to share with him through lectures. And don't miss the classic lunch plate.

- Many people say home cooking, I say "sick food", he says and can at least note that his sick days are now easily counted.