It looked as if Tiril Eckhoff was going for a secure victory as she slid into the third shooter. But then it came as all the biathletes fear in the Oberhof, the wind. There were three booms for the Norwegian, who lost a 30-second lead to be 45 seconds behind.

Because it was another Nordic rider who would impress. Finnish Kaisa Mäkäräinen shot full when most people boomed, and went together with Iryna Kryuko in a clear lead. They were both followed into the fourth and final shootings, but there Mäkäräinen would prove to be the best.

When the wind was noticeable and her hair was sideways, she kept cold, and took her time to set all shots. And it became crucial, because no one else could deliver in the same way, and in the end she won by 45 seconds before Eckhoff who sprinted past compatriot Marte Olsbu Röiseland on the rally.

Best Swedish was Hanna Öberg in seventh place, just over a minute from the podium.