His goal against Switzerland was rewritten, discussed and played several times. Kristianstad player Valter Chrintz may have seriously made an impact for the general public and the day after the victory in the European Championships, the 19-year-old edge runner was a hot switch among the journalist teams.

- I have looked at the goal in retrospect but did not understand that I scored such a goal as the first in a championship, laughs at the 19-year-old who for a long time thought the goal was not approved.

- I just ran home after the goal and celebrated that it was the goal, but I wasn't sure. When I got into the defense, I saw our coach showing the sign of overtrap. After the game, some were on my way and would deceive me and said it wasn't a goal, but in the end I saw that it was a goal. But every now and then I didn't realize it was a goal.

The humble look says he will continue to have his feet on the ground. - It takes hard work to stay on this level. I am only 19 and have many years ahead of me and many years left before I get really, really good.

For Sweden, Slovenia is almost waiting. A national team coached by former European gold hero Ljubomir Vranjes, who is currently training just Chrintz in IFK Kristianstad.

- Slovenia is a good team that can advance to the middle round. Then it becomes even more important because it is Vranjes who is the coach. You do not want to come home at the end of January and hear that they won the match.

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Valter Chrintz.