Japanese Kazuyoshi Miura continues the challenge and prepares for the 35th season in his career after renewing his contract with Japan Yokohama, to strengthen his record as the oldest player to record his presence in professional football matches.

During the new season, the player will return to the first division in the league after settling the boarding race during the last season.

He expressed his hope to contribute effectively to helping the team remain in the first class during the next season.

Miura is older than the club president who plays for him, and he started playing football before most of his current comrades were born.

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- 浜 浜 FC 【公式】 待 っ て 1 J1! (@yokohama_fc) January 11, 2020

There, Miroa is known for his nickname "King Kazuo", and he started his career with football in Brazil in the beginning of 1982, and he did not exceed 15 years with the famous Santos club.

The old player participated in a number of matches with the Japan national team and was on the list participating in the 1998 World Cup, and played for a limited time in Europe for Genoa clubs in Italy and Dinamo Zagreb in Croatia.

Although Miura confirms in his conversations that he maintains the same passion for playing as he was at the age of 18, the numbers do not support him. He failed to score any goal in three games last season, and has been unable to reach the goal since the record for the oldest player to score a goal when he scored his last goal in 2017.