Liverpool club official website revealed that its Senegalese star Sadio Mane was planning to visit his country immediately after winning the title of the best African player for 2019 on Tuesday evening, but the inconsistency of flight schedules thwarted his plan and he had to return the same night to Liverpool.

The site said that the club coordinated with the attacker in order to travel to his homeland directly from the ceremony held in the Egyptian city of Hurghada, in appreciation of the support provided by many in Senegal until he was awarded the prestigious award.

The club added that it was arranging with the player to travel to Senegal as soon as possible for him.

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رائعة Wonderful numbers for Sadio Mane 🇸🇳 I have given him the honor to sit on the throne of the brown continent


- - English (@fifacom) January 8, 2020

"Of course I am very happy and proud to win this award, and I would like to dedicate it to everyone who helped me in my career from the start. My plan was to travel first to Senegal to thank my people and acknowledge them for everything they did to me on my journey with The ball, but unfortunately we were not able to make this visit. "

"We now have a big game against Tottenham this weekend, I have to focus on and be ready for it, but I'm disappointed that I couldn't go home to say thank you because of some problems that you can't control. So, I'm going to go back to Senegal As quickly as possible because it is so important to me, I will never forget what everyone else did for me, everyone who believed in me and everyone who gave me the opportunity to play football. "