The former player of the National Football League (NFL) Jay Ajayi , has changed the helmet of the 'football' for the command of the game console and has become a new member of the Philadelphia Union , team of the league of the FIFA video game of Major League Soccer.

Ajayi, who won the Super Bowl with the Philadelphia Eagles in 2018, is the first player to become a video game professional, and will represent the Union during the 2020 eMLS Cup campaign, which starts this Friday.

"Philadelphia will always have a special place in my heart. I am proud to represent this city in eSports and be one of the first professional athletes to become a player," said Ajayi. "This combines two of my great passions outside of American football, football and video games."

The 26-year-old running back was cut by the NFL Eagles and was currently without a professional team after having made a career in the Miami Dolphins.

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