Even if you are a regular spectator of Spanish football, you are sure to guess who it is when you hear the name of David Remeseiro. Doesn't it sound like it? Quiet, he is not the only one. David Remeseiro is Jason (A Coruña, 1994), a Getafe player, who after ten years was coined this nickname and since then he has not been able (or wanted) to part with it.

It all started in the lower categories of Deportivo, where there were three boys named David in the first-year juvenile team. The coach decided to distinguish them through a pseudonym, and Remeseiro was awarded that of Jenson Button , a former Formula 1 driver. For his speed, of course. Jenson, yes, not Jason. With the passage of time the name was adapted until it finally led to Jason. This is how his friends, his classmates and even the LaLiga website know him.

The Galician is the main novelty of José Bordalás, a hard-hitting Getafe, who receives Real Madrid today (4 pm) in an Alfonso Pérez Coliseum that sold out all the townships days ago. Despite acting as a striker during his training at Deportivo, Levante and Valencia (the team he currently belongs to), Jason has perfectly adapted to the right wing, a demarcation where he has exploited his characteristics to the limit. The cadre in the south of Madrid takes full advantage of deployments on the sides, always looking for centers towards the head of their auctioneers.

Jason is an ideal footballer for this style of very fast transitions. In fact, it is the blue that has more arrivals to the area per game (8). It also adds a goal and four assists in the league. Loaned without a purchase option for Valencia, a club for which he signed last summer, he was discarded by Marcelino García Toral at the last minute and stood out in Getafe, where he has stood out as a fundamental piece of the Bordalás scheme: 877 minutes distributed in eleven games of the domestic championship

The praise of Zidane

«We are a team that has earned respect based on doing things well; We have shown that we are very difficult to beat, ”Bordalás said in the press room, aware of the difficulty of repeating the role of the past year, when the fourth place escaped in the last breaths:“ The last season was fantastic. We are not yet in Ecuador and the second laps are very difficult with all the teams playing a lot. The distances are getting smaller and each point costs a lot ».

He praises the blue box, sixth in the league just two points behind the Champions League positions, and with Ajax as an immediate stumbling block in the Europa League. Among them, that of today's rival. Zidane broke into applause to Getafe. Bordalás thanked the French words. «It is a reference [ZZ] and an example for the rest of the coaches. He is demonstrating it since he took charge in the first stage and in the second. He is a football man and logically values ​​what we do ».

Getafe has made energy and order its hallmark. Especially in his fief. In the Coliseum Alfonso Pérez has suffered only one defeat in the course (five and wins and three draws in new games). It was against Barcelona, ​​back on September 28 on the seventh day. In that duel, Junior Firpo suffered Jason's constant and accelerated assaults on his side. And they already know, there is a boy with the name of Formula 1 released by the Coliseum.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • sports
  • First division
  • Getafe CF
  • Real Madrid

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